Really Enjoying Your Time Away From Work

About Me
Really Enjoying Your Time Away From Work

A few years after I retired, I realized that I was spending more and more time laying around the house and less time doing the things that I loved. I started thinking carefully about what I could do to change things, and it was very apparent to me that I needed to focus more of my energy on getting outdoors and enjoying my free time. I started learning more about recreation and sports, and within a few weeks, I found myself trying new adventures with friends like kayaking and bungee jumping. This blog is here to help other people to learn how to enjoy their time away from work to make the most of their lives.


What To Know When Shopping For 9mm Ammunition

22 June 2021
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

The gun industry is large, which is why it only makes sense that the ammunition industry also has huge demand. Right now, the field of ammunition holds a roughly $21 billion value. People need to constantly stock on ammunition to make sure they are training at the range as much as they need to and to be prepared in the event that they need to use their weapon in a real-life situation. Read More …

Myths New Gun Owners May Believe About Silencers

3 May 2021
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

There are many attachments that you will be able to choose to use with your firearm. Silencers can be among the most popular attachments, but new gun owners can find that they may be drastically misinformed about these firearm accessories. Myth: The Silencer That You Buy Will Make The Gun Extremely Quiet A mistake that individuals can be especially prone to make is assuming that the silencer will be able to make the gun extremely quiet when it discharges. Read More …

Some Factors To Consider When Choosing A Kayak Paddle

16 March 2021
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you need a new paddle to help you steer and move your kayak through the water, you'll want to choose an option that gives you the best performance possible. As simple as a kayak paddle may seem in its design, there are several features that should be examined closely to determine if a particular paddle is right for you. Here are some important factors to consider when you're shopping for a new kayak paddle. Read More …

The Benefits of the Right Waterfowl Hunting Backpack

1 December 2020
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

When you love to hunt waterfowl, you understand the importance of good preparation. The right waterfowl hunting backpack will provide you with a simple way to carry all your gear, without anything getting wet. You have to be prepared to move quickly. When your gear is easily accessible and organized, you will have a better chance at successfully tagging the waterfowl you are hunting. Pay attention to the size of your backpack, and limit your gear to what you can comfortably carry. Read More …

What To Expect When Taking Online Spin Classes

3 November 2020
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Have you been wanting to get moving while you're stuck at home? Have you considered getting an indoor cycling bike for some virtual spin classes? If so, here is what you can expect from the overall experience. Class Selection There are many fitness services that offer online classes that you can watch from the comfort of home and follow along with. Expect for there to be plenty of filters to narrow down the class that you want to take from the hundreds or thousands that are available to you. Read More …