Preparing For A Disaster? Why You Need To Know Before You Use A Tourniquet

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Really Enjoying Your Time Away From Work

A few years after I retired, I realized that I was spending more and more time laying around the house and less time doing the things that I loved. I started thinking carefully about what I could do to change things, and it was very apparent to me that I needed to focus more of my energy on getting outdoors and enjoying my free time. I started learning more about recreation and sports, and within a few weeks, I found myself trying new adventures with friends like kayaking and bungee jumping. This blog is here to help other people to learn how to enjoy their time away from work to make the most of their lives.


Preparing For A Disaster? Why You Need To Know Before You Use A Tourniquet

27 August 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you're going to be putting your emergency bug-out pack together, you'll probably be adding a tourniquet to the supply list. While tourniquets are one of the best ways to stop uncontrolled bleeding, they're not without their risks. In fact, mistakes made during the application and use of tourniquets can lead to life-threatening complications for the victim. If you're going to be keeping tourniquets in your emergency bug-out pack, you'll need to know how to use them properly. Here are four crucial tips that will help you avoid complications associated with tourniquet use. 

Try Applying Direct Pressure First

If someone in your group suffers a serious injury that is bleeding uncontrollably, the first thing you should do is try applying direct pressure. Applying direct pressure is often the easiest and safest way to stop bleeding. Gather a generous supply of medical gauze and place it directly over the wound. Using your hand, apply direct pressure to the wound. If the bleeding stops, you'll need to dress the wound to prevent further bleeding. If the bleeding doesn't stop, you'll need to resort to the tourniquet.

Make Sure It's Applied in the Right Spot

When it comes to applying a tourniquet, you'll need to make sure it's applied to the right spot. Placing the tourniquet either too far above, or below the wound, will not stop the bleeding. In fact, it may lead to further complications. For maximum effectiveness, you'll want to place the tourniquet about 2" above the wound. Avoid placing the tourniquet on a joint though, or you'll cause serious problems for the victim.

Apply Just the Right Amount of Pressure

Once you've determined the right placement for the tourniquet, you'll need to make sure that you apply enough pressure to stop the blood flow, including the arterial flow. You might not realize this, but arterial blood is highly pressurized, which means even if you've stopped the flow of blood from the wound, you might not have stopped the flow of blood from the nearby arteries. Unfortunately, if that's the case, the victim may continue to bleed through the arteries. To avoid that risk, make sure you apply enough pressure to stop all blood flow to the wound.

Mark the Time When Tourniquet is Applied

If you're going to be using a tourniquet, you'll need to keep a close watch on the clock. Serious complications can arise if a tourniquet is in place for longer than a couple of hours. To help protect against those complications, be sure to mark the time when the tourniquet is applied. That way, when help arrives, you can let them know how long the tourniquet has been in place.