Dance Classes For Special Needs Kids: Pointers For Parents

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Really Enjoying Your Time Away From Work

A few years after I retired, I realized that I was spending more and more time laying around the house and less time doing the things that I loved. I started thinking carefully about what I could do to change things, and it was very apparent to me that I needed to focus more of my energy on getting outdoors and enjoying my free time. I started learning more about recreation and sports, and within a few weeks, I found myself trying new adventures with friends like kayaking and bungee jumping. This blog is here to help other people to learn how to enjoy their time away from work to make the most of their lives.


Dance Classes For Special Needs Kids: Pointers For Parents

15 December 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you view your child not as one with disabilities, but rather challenges, that is good. However, you must also learn what your child's limitations are, since it will help you guide your child in a direction that is positive for him/her. Dance classes can help, as they reveal what a child can and cannot do. You will have to find dance classes for special needs children at a dance studio. Then follow these pointers.

Observe Your Child

Always stay to observe your child in class. Not only will you be able to see where your child may need some help, but your child will also be pleased that you stayed to watch him/her dance. Additionally, it helps to have you present in the event your child needs extra help and the dance instructor does not know how to help your child (e.g., seizures, meltdowns, etc.).

Physically Assist, as Needed

Children in wheelchairs will need help moving around the room with peers. There are not enough helpers in a dance class to accomplish that, so parents are encouraged to get involved. Children with ADHD cannot focus, and will need redirecting and cues from you to watch the teacher and do what the teacher does. Children with autism will have meltdowns, and it helps to remove them from the class to cool down and become less stimulated. Each challenging developmental condition will present with issues in a dance class eventually, and having a parent intervene means that class for the rest of the children can continue uninterrupted.

Measure What Your Child Has Gained from the Class

At the end of three months, which is usually how long a dance class with weekly sessions lasts, you should measure what your child has gained from the experience. If he or she could not participate in or learn at least half of the things taught, you may decide that he/she should not continue with lessons. If there is an emotional benefit gained, or he/she has learned and participated a lot, then maybe you should have your child continue. If you want to see if your child is just being stubborn, you could also continue class for the next twelve weeks to see if the behavior continues, or if your child catches on and is enjoying it. (That often happens with new places and new experiences in regards to children with special and challenging needs.)